Saturday, January 21, 2006

Calamitous Countdowns
(Part 1)

count·down (kount'doun')

"The counting backward aloud from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before an event or operation."

Venue: Leith Park (aka My House)

3 guys,
1 Dell computer,
1 lame game aka Little Fighter.

Don’t even ask me how we ended up playing Little Fighter but the ludicrousness of the situation only struck me when the New Year silently crept by in the midst another mindless match. After which, we wished each other “Happy New Year” with enough zest to kill the living and wake the dead. A few moments of awkward silence past before my two other friends left the house (to catch the last bus). Period.

Steps Steptacular Live Concert was broadcasted on TV shortly after midnight. No kidding man, it was good.

Fun Factor: ?/10
On one hand, it was genuinely fun playing mind numbing games that require little intelligence and mere patterned key strokes. On the other hand, doing that to celebrate NYE was…

Alcohol Level: 0/10

Venue: Chijmes

The same three guys who added new dimensions to the word “fun”, decided to be more hip and head down to Chijmes for a spicy salsa countdown.

Always engage in thorough research before choosing any countdown. Your sixth sense will tell you something amiss when your sister, who is 6 years older than me, is present for the same countdown.

There was an allocated dance area where the elderly (okay, age is a matter of relative) were grooving to the live salsa music. *Cringe*
These were the rare times where I wished I was older.

After the countdown, we walked to Newton Circus for a feast and embarked on a walkathon that brought us through Toa Payoh, Ang Mo Kio and finally to Jalan Kayu Roti Prata Shop. No prizes for guessing what we had for breakfast.

Fun Factor: 5/10 for the countdown, 7/10 for the walk

Alcohol Level: 2/10
Oh, the tears I shed when I found out a bottle of Carona Beer with a slice of lime cost me $12.


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