Saturday, April 04, 2009

Songs from Shakespeare

It's really unbelievable. Really.
Here is the unabridged entry of my previous post on reasons not to take MUA3211 - Chamber Singers II:

1) It was worth two modular credits (normally four) and there were two 1.5hrs lessons a week. Considering that there are no breaks in between and it ending late at times, the workload is substantially heavier than other “normal” modules. Oh, and did I mention there were extra rehearsals?

2) MUA3211 is almost impossible to ace. A third of the class are currently singing in NUS choir, a third is studying (for real) in Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, the rest are from some alumni chorale or a capella groups or other choirs. After eliminating almost everyone, that probably leaves me at the bottom of the hierarchy, a former choir member.

3) I cannot sight sing, other than maybe pitching basic solfège or major thirds, perfect fifths and octaves. And of course, because there are no hardly any sectionals teaching, you're expected to figure out how it sounds like just from the score (minus an external instrument).

4) My voice has bloody chui-ed. Hitting an E can potentially kill my vocals (and the surrounding people...)

5) The module is held on Tuesday and Thursday, effectively transforming my 3 day week to a full 5IVE day week!

6) This module is absolutely extraneous since I've already overshot my quota of academic credits.

Unfortunately, there was only one reason why I still took this:

1) I enjoy singing in a choir.

Yes, your eyes ain’t playing tricks on you. That’s me being brutally honest.

Singing in a choir doesn't sound remotely as cool as singing in an a capella small group or jamming in a band. In fact, it sounds sissy, soft, limp and lame. The only thing that probably ranks lower (at least to me) are male ballet dancers.
No offense. Heh.

Of course, other than immersing myself in the lush layers of vocals, it was rather refreshing to view NUS in a such different light (or tone). At every turn and corner of the building, you hear music played instead of muggers blasting mainstream music through their iPods.

And just like how lifeless final year bioengineering students present their "findings" in a pathetic poster presentation, these Yong Siew Toh students see their various works culminate in an evening concert, performed to hundreds!

Damn it. I know it's not exactly analogous but I digress.

So anyway, in YST Conservatory style, MUA3211: Chamber Singers II ends with a bang this Monday (6th April 2009) with...
Featuring Canadian Katherine Wallace as choral director; premiering new works "If Music and Sweet Poetry Agree" by Chen Zhangyi and "Folly Folio" by Emily Koh; the prodigious Austrian pianist Andreas Eggerstberger; and last but not least, the comeback performance of the millennium, Kelvin Lim.

For full programme outline:

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Blogger Nakazawa said...

Oi 4 Apr is not a monday! You, from S44, of all people, should know this...

12:40 pm  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

HAHA. Oops.
I got too many things on my mind lah.

5:22 pm  
Blogger JuattenG said...

Hello! I'm Juat Teng (alto!) from your Chamber Singers class! xDD And from NUS Choir! BUT BUT BUT! I cant sight sing too! (Other than the thirds and fifths like u LOL.) Hahaha. It's not that easy for me as well xD But at the end of the day, it isn't how nice you sound that really determines your grade =) It's your attitude (and how punctual you are O.O). That's what I heard from my friends who took it last semester =P So, don't give up! JIAYOU for your small group test! =D

For the love of singing <3,

1:37 am  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

Haha. Quite true. I heard that punctuality seems to be quite important too!

But yea, it was fun while it lasted!

12:12 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Kelvin,
I'm just a passerby about to audition for MUA3210, and so I'm doing some research about these chamber singers modules.

I've just got a couple of questions like, is it really worth it to take the module considering it's only 2MCs and requires so much time for class/rehearsals? And for a non-pro singer like myself, is it really impossible to get an A for it?? It's actually pretty crucial that I do well as it's my last semester and I need to maintain my CAP, and this module seems like a fun one to do during the last few months of my student life!

I would really appreciate your help here, thanks!

10:52 pm  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

Hi Michelle,

I wouldn't exactly describe it as impossible to get an A for it.

There are tips to improve your chances:
1) Be punctual (or early) 100% of the time. Due to the lack of assessment criteria, attendance and punctuality weighs heavily.
2) Be enthusiastic during the class.
3) Excel in the small group singing test, during the last week.

Admittedly. I was moderately enthusiastic, late a couple of times and a bit blur during the singing test. Needless to say, I didn't do too well. :p

For the time and effort invested in a 2MC module, Chamber Singers is technically not worth it... UNLESS you enjoy your time during the lessons. Personally, this module is arguably the most enjoyable module I ever had in my four years in NUS.

On a side note, the concert this semester would be held at Asian Civilisations Museum.

11:16 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Kelvin,

Thanks so much for the quick reply. I really appreciate the advice, and I hope I really get to enjoy myself! (And hopefully do decently as well haha)

I'm glad to hear that you had fun, cos that's one aspect that I was looking for in my last semester at NUS.

Thanks again and take care!


9:46 pm  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

No problem!

I might actually pop by Asian Civilisations Museum to catch the upcoming end of semester performance.

Hope you enjoy yourself too!

6:07 pm  
Anonymous Azlyn said...

Hi there, I'm a random passerby who came across your blog. Thank you so much for the honest and insightful review of this module! I am planning to take this module and likewise, can't sight-sing and only really have choral experience. Could you take me through the audition process, please? My email add is - Thank you so much! (not too sure if you might read this though, since this entry is dated over a year old)

10:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would really want to know how is your I am in exactly same kind of situation as you~now quite worry what kind of result I can get. .

7:39 pm  

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