Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What am I to do?

The second wave of interviews has finally drawn to a close last week, with the third beginning yesterday. And this has been one helluva rollercoaster ride.

I always liken interviews as examinations. You only have one shot at it, there is simply no second chance if you screw it up. So getting called back for a second interview is like passing it, albeit not acing it.

You might think that after going through so many interviews, I would almost qualify as a professional interviewee.

But sadly, I am not as interview-smart as I would like to be and at times, I would be totally caught off guard.

Like examinations carrying different modular credits, the potential reward behind every interview can differ widely.

Clinching second interviews from MNCs and hospitals are already worthy of celebration.

Then there are those SMEs providing specialized laboratory services and/or distributing life science equipment to biomedical research institutes or hospitals. Application for these companies tend to be fraught with reluctance, and preparing for such interview is sometimes viewed as tiresome.

And then, there is A********H, a SME inviting me for an interview with a dubious one-liner email.

It was no surprise I dreaded going for the interview since it had nowhere fulfilled my ideal criteria of a blockbuster job. I procrastinated until the very last minute before preparing for the interview.

Right up to the meeting place, I was still going through the products that A********H were carrying and figuring out what the heck I was doing here.

Then, at 10.30AM, I was offered the job.

I burst into a joyous fit of song and dance as I skipped gleefully from towards the car.

Instead, as the CEO of A********H presented his decision, I somewhat panicked, while still maintaining a façade of restrained confidence and happiness.

I did not help that as I was being interviewed, my handphone was buzzing silently yet madly in my pocket. Upon returning the call, it was to schedule another interview for a separate job.


My worst fears have finally come true.

I'm offered an "okay" job but the jobs I truly desire are still in the first phase of interviews.

As my dad would always cautioned, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". But would this bird in my hand be worth more than four in the bush?

Yes, I know. The local economy is in its doldrums and I should not be so picky, but the motivation not settle for mediocrity is almost irresistable.

For now, I'll try to play the stalling game as I attempt to delay the signing of the contract to the very last minute.

God Help Me.



Blogger Nakazawa said...

Ah... the trouble of getting an offer that isn't what you want.

I suppose there is always 2 sides of the story - on one hand, the economy is bad and one shouldn't be picky, but on the other, the chance for a better catch is still there.

Of course, one solution is to take on the current offer, and while doing so, continue with interviews. At most, resign when another better offer comes. Just don't do it too often...

5:54 pm  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

Actually, if the offer was what I didn't want, it would be easy to reject. Which I have done so a couple of weeks ago.

But this time, it's not an clear cut decision. I am somewhat not adverse against this job A********H, yet I cannot say I'm jubilantly eager to jump in.

Sianz. Somemore this job carries a one-year bond. Making the situation even stickier.

It didn't help that the CEO appears to be a nice guy, eager to get me in (unfortunately more eager than me).

I feel almost obliged not to disappoint him. :s

12:41 am  
Blogger chiew said...

i totally understand!! :(

10:44 am  

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