Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wacky Webcomics

It is a proven theory that blog activity is inversely correlated with how busy I am. Almost halfway into the holidays and I couldn't be caught up with more commitments than ever. So to prevent this blog from gathering too much dust, here's a quickie post on some of the crap I've collected over the past couple of months.

I always thought that the internet was filled with low intelligence being, but I never knew things could stoop to such level.
My favourite guilty-pleasure web comic has to be Unlike, the illustrations are rather rudimentary but the humour is utterly preposterous...
... gross,
and sometimes, disturbing.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal continues on with my somewhat pet theme on morbidity and death.
That was plain cruel.

Admittedly, it took me a while to understand this comic,
but it's so my type of humour. Heh.

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