Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moping MMIX

So here is it.
The king of procrastination has finally returned back to the blogging desk to pen the last few words before the arrival of 2010.

Ever since I've joined the humdrum of the work force, blogging has been relegated to the lowest rung of priority. The number of unpublished post is piling up, and it has evolved into some peculiar obligation that heralds from the past decade, especially with the advent of Facebook.

Before this entry, I had intended to...
  1. Finish my lame entries chronicling my maiden job hunt "adventure".
  2. Recount and confess my evisceration, dismemberment and mutilation of Bach; excoriation of Beethoven for my Grade 8 Piano Examinations: A morbid epiphany chiding me that I should never dare make music as a career.
  3. The "phlegmiest" sore throat I had in my life. *ahem* (Then again, this might be to explicit for public consumption. I mean, not literally!)
  4. Rave about the coolest alien movies in 2009: District 9 and Avatar.
  5. The number of pineapples I ate at Pontian! (Okay, probably not juicy enough as a standalone blog entry...)
And with the backlog of entries, I have yet to...
  1. Rename all my music files, especially the classical music which I "borrowed" from Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music. (Yes, I'm THAT anal-retentive.)
  2. Help my sister sell of her CK Handbag. (It'll probably be back in fashion by the time it goes up on eBay.)
  3. Join a choir.
  4. Get my Standard Chartered Credit Card.
  5. Decide and purchase an insurance plan before I get abducted by a UFO.
  6. Get my rotting DBS Vickers Securities account working. (I should really sue DBS for compelling me to miss the first boom in stock prices.)
  7. Read the bible from the book of Genesis to Revelations.
  8. Get another job Find out what I really wanna do with my life.
It is ominous and almost inevitable that the productive people (aka working) I know who maintain an active blog is whittling down in numbers. Considering that I've gained a fair bit of notoriety with my "non-working" nature of my work, my next job would surely be more 凶.

Well, as I attempt to embark on a clandestine online business, I wonder how much time I would have left for this blog? Aiyah...

Anyway, No time for sentiments!

Go to dig your grave, MMIX (2009)!

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiding Over

Sorry for the long hiatus again... New post coming soon.