Thursday, September 18, 2008


I never thought that I could would handle so many T75 Flasks in one go.

That probably sums up the past couple of weeks. The deadly combination of BN3101: Biomedical Engineering Design and my Final Year Project is finally taking a toll on me. Indeed, while many have pointed out that I've only 2 modules with one solitude FYP to deal with this semester, it still felt like a horrid 6 modules semester.

But then again, if you've never taken BN3101 before, you would never comprehend the arduous twice weekly group meetings, along with presentations, consultations and tests. Yes, I finally comprehended with my heart and soul why BN3101 is the nightmare for all NUS Bioengineers.

Then again, one would say, it's only one freaking module... How can one single module mess up your semester?

Easier said than done, unless you're doing your FYP at Biopolis. Ha. You probably would have heard me whine about the irritating bus service 95, and how the return trip from NUS would take me an hour.

Then again, I proved myself wrong when I subcultured 12 T75s the next time.

Remind me again why seniors would warn against projects dealing with cells...
Like ADHD-babies, my damned stem cells keep protesting to be seeded, harvested and counted.

So for 3 times a week, I would either have to take my lunch or dinner at least 2 hours after my normal mealtimes, in the name of FYP.

@#@*10.30PM??!! (#*@#@(*@#
I don't know how the heck I'm going to avoid developing gastric pains, but wise time management would be much appreciated.


Kawaii Not, Ryan Estrada Day
Believe me, cells can be bloody bitchy too.

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Blogger Nakazawa said...

Jia you! Are you sure it's 10.30pm, 11.24pm and not the 'am' equivalent?

How could any 4 MC elective kill you so much? If you stay up until 11pm now, when it's only just starting, what time are you gonna stay until 3 months down the road? 7am?

11:08 am  
Blogger Kelvin Lim said...

Yeah, I'll probably "jia you" when I attempt to burn down IMB.

Anyway, it has to be PM cos everyone else in the lab would be looking at me if I tried taking pictures at noon.

And nah... You'll never understand until you take BN3101. For starters, there were 4 3-hour "pre-lectures" during Week 0. And my whole Monday is being packed by this irritating singular module. Sigh... My regret is not mapping this damned module in New Zealand.


5:14 pm  
Blogger Willi@mThinK said...

Ha. Big deal. I manage about 30-40 flasks during the last month. LOL.

6:51 am  

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